Lucy Zhao


Lucy is a freshman from East Brunswick, New Jersey studying biological engineering and economics at MIT.


Lucy Zhao

Lucy is a junior at MIT studying Course 20 (Biological Engineering). She loves to tinker withmedical device engineering at the Langer Lab and has previously worked on a project onairman health and safety at the Department of Defense’s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Asan avid writer and communicator, she is also interested in innovation policymaking, havingworked at BARDA on building several new infrastructure initiatives through the MIT-WashingtonSummer Internship Program. Last year, Lucy led the TEDxMIT team to receive MIT’sOutstanding Event Award for the best event carried out across all of MIT in 2021-2022. Thisyear, she is excited to continue expanding the reach and impact of TEDxMIT and introducingnew voices and perspectives to the team’s conferences.